


One week never touch my blog, lazy to post xD
Photos will explain everything now...

Do enjoy it <3 Day out with the sister and hubby boy - Pavilion :)

Fat boy - Take 1

Fat boy - Take 2

Fat boy - Take 3

This fat boy is so mature but he's cute of course.. We love him so much. He always say something that really freak us out. Had a very great time watching movie with this fat fella :)

Baby boy~ Poser 99

Supper at Mamak King :P

Some inside jokes which told by the fat man and fat boy as known as the fattie group..

Day out with baby boy... Brought me to Tung Shin Medical for body checking..

Ended the week...
Started to be more cautious in spending money after I met this guy.
Goodnight, world :)

