




女人明知道你們之間沒有未來,卻情願留在你身邊做個普通朋友,不是她太賤,只是她捨不得 .

女人故意在你面前提到別的男人,不是她花心,只是想要刺激一下你,讓你多在乎她一點 .


短信時,是否也同樣的想念她 .




男人 其實你不懂

1 她總是問:你在哪呢?你現在在幹嗎? (她很想念你,只是想跟你說說話,你不給她發信息,她很

2 她說:我不開心了,我好煩. (不要怪她無理取鬧,更不能覺得她在煩你,她不是真的不開心,她只是想你了.只是想要你會來安慰她一下,哪怕是:乖,別鬧了,聽話!)

3 她說:不要感冒了./路上小心./自己多注意…… (不要嫌她煩.因為她知道你不傻,甚至是很聰明的.她只想讓你知道她心裡有你,她很想關心你)

4 她總說自己又長胖了或者長得不夠漂亮. (不要覺得她是在自卑或嫉妒別人,她只是怕自己在你眼中不夠完美.她已經在為你改變了.)

5 她總說她想要幫你,要你有什麼事一定要告訴她. (其實她知道她幫不了你什麼,她只想讓你知道你還有她,她永遠在會你身邊陪你,會一直的支持你,)

6 她看到你跟別的女生親近一些就會生氣,發小脾氣. (別說她小氣,不信任你,她其實是在吃醋,這表示她十分在乎你.即使心裡難受也會自己安慰自己.)

7 無論做什麼她總會征求你的意見. (不是她沒主見,太過依賴你,她只是尊重你,凡事以你為先.)

8 不管在哪裡她總是緊緊的和你站在一起. (她只是在告訴你她信任你.)

9 她愛憂傷,總是會多想. (不要覺得她是想太多,只是有時她會覺得缺乏安全感.)

10 她假裝生氣轉身離開. (其實,她不是真的想走,只是離開的時候希望被挽留.)

11 她會突然冷淡你,或是向你撒嬌. (別怪她孩子氣,她只是想讓你哄哄她.)

12 也許有一天她會跟你說分手. (其實,這個時候她已經喜歡你好久,只是不確定這份感情是不是對的.她只是要你的安全感,你的捨不得,你的不要走……)



Boy, ILY (:
Mama, happy birthday to you! Do you like those tulips? I know you love it! Hubby boy bought it for her and she was so delightful when she saw the flowers. (p/s: Spot the bunch of flower which my mother is holding, it's mine actually. My mom's tulips are more beautiful!!)
Hahaha, mirror mirror on the wall, Michelle is so gonna take picture! Out for the celebration of Foong's belated birthday at Redbox.

Ooooh... Puffy face. I know I look like a bun, don't tryna bluff me!

This two fella are so sensitive to camera. Obviously, they don't feel like taking picture. Anyway, Happy Birthday Uncle Chan Kit Foong..


Love this outfit. Got it from Forever 21! Dress is always the love!

Fat man is always the best, even though you're always nagging at me, but at the bottom of my heart, you're the best.. Hee :) Sneezing right? haha..

Mummy is rubbing her eyes.. don't rub next time, I'll bring along my eye drops..

Feel itchy on the butt??

I love it!

Looks adorable though it feels sleepy.

The reason why I love dogs..

Puppy is always cute and lovely.

Had a very scented bath for baby puppy this evening.. I knew, it hates bathing :) But too bad, you have to bath! Haha!! (sounds wicked) I love the dog shampoo so much! I just love the smell. Smells like milk. And ya, ignore my stupid face...

Cute baby in bubbles...

Had my mask again, this was the 2nd time of this week.. Lately, pimples popped out easily and I was so tired about it. Mask mask mask!! Help me!

Camwhored in my room after finishing the light make up. Had very thin eyeliner as I wanted to look more natural. Nude make up will be the choice of the day. Was waiting for hubby boy to pick me up for lunch... We were planned to shop at Daiso @ Sungei Wang as I requested to get the Christmas present for this coming Saturday's church youth session.. Really looking forward at what I'm gonna receive when exchanging present.. Hope it'll be very cool..

Baby boy is showing off his not so pretty teeth ;)
Venue: Steamboat <3 onblur="try {parent.deselectBloggerImageGracefully();} catch(e) {}" href="">A very funny pig ear which we found it in our mixed rice, this piggie has a very unique ear. Hubby boy said that this piggie did ear piercing before!! LMAO! He's a talented joker, but I'm not bad too.. Stop praising myself xD

A very lame product, this stupid stuff is to keep one banana inside :D Thus, it is as known as THE BANANA CONTAINER :P Btw, everything in Daiso is only RM5. So it's quite cheap and most of the product are so useful unlike this banana thing... Really blow me off..
Venue: Daiso @ Sungei Wang 1st floor

What I got for the present :) Satisfaction is hard to describe.

A picture of mine before I end this post.

Goodnight, love ones...




One week never touch my blog, lazy to post xD
Photos will explain everything now...

Do enjoy it <3 Day out with the sister and hubby boy - Pavilion :)

Fat boy - Take 1

Fat boy - Take 2

Fat boy - Take 3

This fat boy is so mature but he's cute of course.. We love him so much. He always say something that really freak us out. Had a very great time watching movie with this fat fella :)

Baby boy~ Poser 99

Supper at Mamak King :P

Some inside jokes which told by the fat man and fat boy as known as the fattie group..

Day out with baby boy... Brought me to Tung Shin Medical for body checking..

Ended the week...
Started to be more cautious in spending money after I met this guy.
Goodnight, world :)




It's 24:00 now.. Feel like blogging so this is the start of the post of the day.
So, let's talk about my recent events.. Okay, first and foremost, it's SPM.. Tmr will be the last subject of mine! Last three papers, after that I'll be totally free from jail! I just can't wait for that.

Secondly, the annual Christmas is coming!!! Unfortunately, M'sia won't snow :( What a sad case..

Thirdly, I'm going to have a new hairstyle after SPM 'cause I'm kinda sick of my "HELMET" (my hair which is able to compete with Rapunzel's thick hair, but I'm competing with the thickness not the length). Curl will do on it! Looking forward, excited like idk what is going to happen soon.

p/s: This is a really really short post and it's going to end very soon.

Emm, I have been suffering from major headache recently. So, it's quite hard for me to face the computer for hours. I'll be dizzy after an hour using com.

Err, sad to say that. But I have to off to bed now..

So, goodnight world.
